An Evening Routine

Key Behavior Indicators

Currently Blue has a combination of mixed emotions that include sadness that may grow to becoming upset. During this time Blue’s parents may find him becoming aloof, sad or short-tempered. So Blue’s parents should sit him down and communicate with him the importance of expressing his true feelings.

Impactful Dialogue

The objective would be for Blue’s Parents to discern what exactly he is feeling and what is the cause. The conversation can begin with a series of questions like, “Are you sad, mad or in pain?; What is causing you to feel this way?; What can I do to help?; How can we work together to help you?”

A Healthful Habit

Key Behavior Indicators

Blue was not able to communicate effectively how he was feeling at home and his frustrations grew to him becoming physical with his classmates. Another behavior Blue may have demonstrated prior to becoming physical with others could be a change in his temperament.

mpactful Dialogue

School Staff must be on high-alert when it comes to discerning the Mental Health of all students. Particularly with Elementary School aged students who may not be able to express for themselves times when their Mental Health needs support.

Teachers can perform a Classroom Check-In each morning that includes asking a series of questions to each student that may be the following:

“How did you sleep?; Did you wake up sad and why?; How do you feel? Are you sad, tired, happy?; What do you look forward to learning today”; How can I help you have a great day today?”

For the student that did not have the best start - Teachers can speak to the student privately and ask the aforementioned questions including what is the reason for your changed behavior today?”


Elementary School students ability to navigate teamwork is fundamentally connected to their adult behavior. Building, educating and instilling the principles of teamwork in a classroom setting is imperative to the Mental Health support Teachers can provide Elementary aged students.

Key Behavior Indicators

When a student demonstrates changed behavior, Support Staff and Teachers can leverage the Classroom Check-In as a ice-breaker and then an exercise that is designed to help the impacted students remember they are a team and each member is valuable to the team.

mpactful Dialogue/ Exercise

The Teacher can ask the students to chant what makes the Class a Team: Together! Together as one! Eager! Eager to learn! Amazing! We are Amazing! Motivated! I am Motivated everyday!

Acknowledgement & Approval

With the help of his classmates and the School Staff, Blue finds his lost and favorite crayon. He acknowledges that he has mistreated his classmates who are also his teammates. Blue ends his acknowledgement by stating that he was unkind to his friends because he could not express how he truly felt.

mpactful Dialogue

Teachers and Support Staff should privately speak to the impacted student along with the student who demonstrated a changed behavior, to ultimately get a clearer picture of what occurred. During this impactful dialogue, Teachers should work out a way where the student that needs to be supported and the impacted student make amends.